

知科普 人氣:2.08W
1. 梅花鹿的英文單詞怎麼寫

梅花鹿的英文單詞:sika deer 【音標】:英 [ˈsi:kə diə] 美 [ˈsikə dɪr]【雙語例句】:1.Construction of Full-length cDNA Library for Antler Tip Tissue of Sika Deer東北梅花鹿鹿茸尖端組織全長cDNA文庫的構建。


2.Preliminary Study on the Social Behavior of the Alpha Male of South China 梅花鹿,梅花鹿,梅花鹿很華南梅花鹿主雄的社會行為初步研究。 SikaDeer3.The SikaDeer now roam about peacefully and light-heartedly in the forested world, enjoying the company of sables and ginseng三公主與二太子變的梅花鹿,則與山林為伴,無憂無慮地生活着,與人蔘、紫貂結為朋友,永不分離。

4.By crossbreeding with our native red deer, the sika deer have affected the gene pool.通過與我們本地的赤鹿雜交,梅花鹿的基因庫已經發生了改變。5.Study on optimum dietary calcium levels in the ANTLER-GROwinG stage of 6-year old Sika Deer 6歲梅花鹿生茸期飼糧適宜鈣水平的研究。

6.You might already know about some of them, such as the Formosan black bearor the Formosan sika deer. 或許您早已知道其中一些動物,像是台灣黑熊或梅花鹿。7.Clone and sequence of BVDV E_0 gene of sika deer 梅花鹿源BVDV基因E0克隆與序列分析。

8.Effects of Supplement of Different Zinc Level on the Growth of Male Sika DeerDigestibility and Blood Physical And Chemical Indices 不同鋅添加量對生長期雄性梅花鹿消化率及血液理化指標的影響。9.Process Optimization for Enzymatic Hydrolysis of Hemoglobin in Sika DeerBlood 鹿血血紅蛋白酶水解工藝條件的優化。

10.Effect of Different Concentrate to Forage Ratio in Total Mixed Ration on Performance and Emiction PD Output of Male Sika Deer in Lie Fallow Period全混合日糧精粗比對休閒期雄性梅花鹿尿嘌呤衍生物排泄量及生產性能的影響。

2. 梅花鹿的英文單詞怎麼寫


1. 梅花鹿單詞是:sika deer

2. 音標:[ˈsi:kə diə]

3. 例句:Effect of Urea Treated Corn Stalk on Nutrient Digestion and Weight Gain of Growing Sika Deer


Correlation Analysis of Blood Protein Polymorphism and Antler Traits of Sika Deer in Xingkai Lake Farm


3. 鹿的英語

deer(統稱) 鹿 milu 或 elk 麋鹿 reindeer 馴鹿 moose 駝鹿 caribou 北美馴鹿 spotted deer或者sika deer 梅花鹿 sambar 水鹿 brow-antlered deer 眉杈鹿 hog deer 豚鹿 musk deer 麝, 香麝 red deer 麋 tufted deer 黑麂(毛冠麂) water deer 獐 river deer 獐 white-lipped deer 白脣鹿 giraffe 長頸鹿。

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