

知科普 人氣:2.6W
1. 鳥的英語單詞怎麼寫

鳥的英語單詞:bird 讀音:英 [bɜːd] 美 [bɝd] 釋義: n. 鳥;傢伙;羽毛球 vt. 向…喝倒彩;起鬨 vi. 獵鳥;觀察研究野鳥 n. (Bird)人名;(英、西)伯德 例句: 1、A bird preened its feathers. 鳥用喙整理它的羽毛。


2、A large bird flew past us. 一隻大鳥從我們這兒飛過。 3、The wounded bird fluttered to the ground. 那隻受傷的鳥撲着翅膀落到地上

擴展資料同根詞: 詞根: bird adj.birdlike 敏捷輕快的;似鳥的 n.birder 獵鳥者7a686964616fe58685e5aeb931333366303061 例句: 1、Some dinosaurs engaged in distinctly birdlike behaviors, such as nesting and brooding. 某些恐龍明顯表現出鳥類的行為,例如築巢和孵卵。 2、Use Proper Supplies: Every birder knows they need a good field guide and the right optics to seethe birds, but summer birding requires some additional equipment. 利用合適的補給品:每個觀鳥者都知道他們需要一個好的野外向導和準確的視覺來觀察鳥,但夏季觀鳥需要額外的裝備。

2. 鳥的英語單詞怎麼寫


讀音:英 [bɜːd] 美 [bɝd]


n. 鳥;傢伙;羽毛球

vt. 向…喝倒彩;起鬨

vi. 獵鳥;觀察研究野鳥

n. (Bird)人名;(英、西)伯德


1、A bird preened its feathers.


2、A large bird flew past us.


3、The wounded bird fluttered to the ground.




詞根: bird

adj.birdlike 敏捷輕快的;似鳥的

n.birder 獵鳥者


1、Some dinosaurs engaged in distinctly birdlike behaviors, such as nesting and brooding.


2、Use Proper Supplies: Every birder knows they need a good field guide and the right optics to seethe birds, but summer birding requires some additional equipment.


3. 鳥的英語單詞

在英語中有關鳥的單詞有一些,如果,bird, fowl ,avian.例如:The birds were singing ourside outside our window.這些鳥兒正在我們的窗外唱歌。

這個單詞第一次使用是在十二世紀以前。fowl 指的是家禽,各種鳥類。

例如:Asian breed of fowl with dense plumage and featherd legs.羽毛豐厚並且腿上有毛的亞洲種大型雞。這個單詞第一次使用是在十二世紀以前。

avian指的是鳥類,與鳥類相關的。例如:This finding marks the first ducumented infection of this species with an avian influenza virus.這一次發現標誌着首次記載了這一物種感染了一種禽流感病毒,這個單詞第一次使用是在1870年。

4. 鳥的英文怎麼寫

鳥,bird:英 [bɜ:d] 美 [bɜ:rd] n.鳥,禽;<俚>少女,姑娘,人,傢伙,東西;<口>飛機,火箭,導彈;vi.觀察和辨認鳥;捕鳥,打鳥。

例句: They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird. 他們警告他下次他可能就要進監獄了。As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right. 和往常一樣,惠勒——一個非常聰明的人——又做對了。

he was such a decent old bird. 她是一個如此端莊的女人。The bird flew away. 鳥兒飛走了。

The bird drooped his wings. 鳥垂下了翅膀。If you were a bird, you could fly. 假使你是隻鳥,你便會飛了。

I bought a bag of bird feed.我買了一袋鳥食。You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching. 你可以參與從劃獨木舟到觀鳥等各種活動。

From the hill we can take a bird's-eye view of the city. 從山上我們可以鳥瞰全城。

5. 鳥的英文怎麼寫







1.a bird




6. 關於鳥類的英語單詞

百靈鳥 lark

天鵝 swan

麻雀 spadger、sparrow

布穀鳥、杜鵑 cuckoo

鸚鵡 parrot、poll parrot、popinjay

黃鶯 沒英文那~~~

鴕鳥 ostrich

海鷗 mew、sea mew、sea-gull

大雁 wide goose

孔雀 a bird of Juno、peacock、peafowl

寒號 沒英文那~~~

喜鵲 pie、pied magpie

貓頭鷹 a bird of Minerva、night owl、owl

翠鳥 kingfisher

鸕鶿 cormorant

啄木鳥 hickwall、pecker、peckerwood、woodpecker

黃頂鶯 orange - crowned warbler

木蘭林鶯 magnolia warbler

【動】森鶯(產於北美) hermit warbler

八哥 mynah

燕子 swallow

百頭翁 沒英文那~~~

黃鸝 沒英文那~~~

(南美)傘鳥 umbrella bird

(歐洲)畫眉鳥 the song thrush

不死之鳥(鳳凰) the secular bird

(古埃及的)靈鳥 the sacred ibis ,資訊站

禿鷲 vultur、condor

老鷹 glede

蜂鳥 hummer、wood nymph

鴿子 bird of peace、dove、pigeon

雕(亦作“鷲) carve、engrave、vulture

白鷺 aigrette、egret

極樂鳥 a bird of paradise

丹頂鶴 red -crowned crane

山雞 pheasant

雷鳥 thunderbird

琴鳥 lyrebird

鴛鴦 mandarin duck

犀鳥 hornbill

鴻雁 swan goose

夜鶯 Philomela、bulbul、nightingale、philomel

千鳥 plover

白鶴 white crane

長頸鳥 a long - necked bird

蒼鷹 goshawk

畫眉 thrush

烏鴉 corbie、crow

北美白頭海雕 American eagle

紅嘴海燕 mutton bird

家燕 house swallow

青鳥 The Blue Bird

7. 鳥類的英語單詞

birds 統稱鳥類

eagle 鷹

bald eagle 白頭鷹

condor 禿鷹

hawk, falcon 隼

heron 蒼鷹

golden eagle 鷲

kite 鷂

vulture 禿鷲

cock 公雞

hen 母雞

chicken 雞, 雛雞

guinea, fowl 珍珠雞

turkey 火雞

peacock 孔雀

duck 鴨

mallard 野鴨, 鳧

teal 小野鴨

gannet 塘鵝

goose 鵝

pelican 鵜鶘

cormorant 鸕鶿

swan 天鵝

cob 雄天鵝

cygnet 小天鵝

gander, wild goose 雁

dove 鴿

pigeon 野鴿

turtle dove 斑鳩

pheasant 雉, 野雞

grouse 松雞

partridge 石雞, 鷓鴣

ptarmigan 雷鳥

quail 鵪鶉

ostrich 鴕鳥

stork 鸛

woodcock 山鷸

snipe 鷸

gull, seagull 海鷗

albatross 信天翁

kingfisher 翠鳥

bird of paradise 極樂鳥, 天堂鳥

woodpecker 啄木鳥

parrot 鸚鵡

cockatoo 大葵花鸚鵡

macaw 金剛鸚鵡

parakeet 長尾鸚鵡

cuckoo 杜鵑,布穀鳥

crow 烏鴉

blackbird 烏鶇

magpie 喜鵲

swallow 燕子

sparrow 麻雀

nightingale 夜鶯

canary 金絲雀

starling 八哥

thrush 畫眉

goldfinch 金翅雀

chaffinch 蒼頭燕雀

robin 知更鳥

plover 千鳥

lark 百鳥,雲雀

swift 褐雨燕

whitethroat 白喉雀

hummingbird 蜂雀

penguin 企鵝

owl 梟,貓頭鷹

scops owl 角梟,耳鳥

8. 鳥的英文怎麼寫

鳥,bird:英 [bɜ:d] 美 [bɜ:rd] n.鳥,禽;<;俚>;少女,姑娘,人,傢伙,東西;<;口>;飛機,火箭,導彈;vi.觀察和辨認鳥;捕鳥,打鳥。


1. They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird.


2. As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right.


3. he was such a decent old bird.


4. The bird flew away.


5. The bird drooped his wings.


6. If you were a bird, you could fly.


7. I bought a bag of bird feed.

8. 我買了一袋鳥食。

9. You can take part in activities from canoeing to bird watching.


10. From the hill we can take a bird's-eye view of the city.


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