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翼龍英文怎麼讀 - 翼龍單詞怎麼寫

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翼龍單詞怎麼寫 翼龍英文怎麼讀


英 [ˈdrægən] 美 [ˈdræɡən]

1.No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat.


2.Dragon Boat Festival this year, we put Artemisia argyi home, wrap dumplings.


3.It is customary to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat festival.


4.His wife is an absolute dragon!



用漢語讀作:拽哽dragon的兩種音標英 [ˈdrægən] 美 [ˈdræɡən] 1.No one came into Dragon King Temple without breaking into a cold sweat. 誰進得龍王廟不捏一把冷汗?2.Dragon Boat Festival this year, we put Artemisia argyi home, wrap dumplings. 今年的端午,我們家掛上艾葉,包好粽子。

3.It is customary to eat Zongzi during the Dragon Boat festival. 端午吃粽子是應景兒。4.His wife is an absolute dragon! 他的老婆是個十足的母夜叉。


恐龍:Dinosaur 中生代或中生代前: 初龍Archosaur 迷龍Labyrinthodont 蜥蜴Lizard 中生代-三疊紀: 腔骨龍Coelophysis 犬齒龍Cynodont 始初龍Eoraptor 黑瑞龍Herrerasaurus 蓓天翼龍Peteinosaurus 三叉棕櫚龍Thrinaxodon 蛇頸龍Plesiosaur 植龍Phytosaur 蒙託龍Metoposaur 鳥腳亞龍Ornithopod 上龍Pliosaur 板龍Plateosaurus 後鱷龍Postosuchus 布拉塞龍Placerias 盾齒龍Placodus 加斯馬吐龍Chasnatosaurus 純信龍Pistosaurus 龜龍Placohelys 鷗龍Lariosaurus 阿氏開普吐龍Askeptosaurus 混魚龍Mixosaurus 舟椎龍Cymbospondylus 鍬鱗龍Stagomolepis 無齒龍Henodus 沙尼龍Shonisaurus 高冠頜龍Hupsognathus 巨椎龍Massospondylus 副細顎龍Procompsognathus 異平齒龍Hyperodapedon 中生代-侏羅紀: 異特龍Allosaurus 樑龍Diplodocus 魚龍Ichthyosaur 無顎龍Anurognathus 滑齒龍Liopleurodon 斑龍Megalosaurus 大眼魚龍Ophthalmosaurus 雷龍Apatosaurus劍龍Stegosaurus 嗜鳥龍Ornitholestes 嘴口龍Rhamphorhynchus 雷龍Brontosaurus 翼龍Pterosaur 翼手龍Pterodactylus 稜長頸龍Cryptoclidus 扭椎龍Eustreptospondylus 稜齒龍Hypsilophodontid 始祖鳥Archaeopteryx 秀顎龍Compsognathus 冰脊龍Cryolophosaurus 腕龍Brachiosaurus 虛骨龍Coelurus 巨齒龍Teratosaurus 異龍Tiranosaurus 雙嵴龍Dilophosaurus 角鼻龍Ceratosaurus 蛇頸龍Plesiosaurus 離片齒龍Timnoodontosaurus 巴拉帕龍Barapasaurus 賴索托龍Lesothosaurus 槽齒龍Thecodontosaurus 安琪龍Anchisaurus 畸齒龍Heterodontosaurus 踝龍Scelidosaurus 狹翼龍Stenopterygius 小盾片龍Scutellosaurus 彎龍Camptosaurus 掘頜龍Scaphognathus 伊拉夫羅龍Elaphrosaurus 肯氏龍Kentrosaurus 叉龍Dicraeosaurus 永川龍Yongchuanosaurus 盤足龍Euhelopus 索德斯龍Sordes 沱江龍Tuojiangosaurus 馬門溪龍Mamenchisaurus 磔齒龍Dryosaurus 奧思尼爾龍Othnielia 中生代-白堊紀: 大鵝龍Anatotitan 甲龍Ankylosaurus 重爪龍Baryonyx 笨爪龍Baryonyx 角龍Ceratopsian 虛骨龍Coelurosaurs 恐爪龍Deinonychus 鼠齒龍Didelphodon 奔龍Dromaeosaur 矮異特龍Dwarf allosaur 愛德蒙託龍Edmontosaurus 鴨嘴龍Hadrosaur 森林龍Hylaeosaurus 海拉爾龍Hylaeosaurus 酷拉龍Koolasuchus 雷利諾龍Leaellynasaura 猶他盜龍Utahraptor 迅猛龍Velociraptor 暴龍Tyrannosaurus 木他龍Muttaburrasaurus 結龍Nodosaur 鳥腳龍Ornithocheirus 披羽蛇翼龍Quetzalcoatlus 提米穆斯龍Timimus 牛角龍Torosaurus 釘背龍Polacanthus 它蓓翼龍Tapejara 三角龍Triceratops 棘龍Edaphosaurus 塔博龍Tarbosaurus 禽龍Iguanodon 棘齒龍Echinodon 準噶爾翼龍Dsungaripterus 普羅巴克特龍Probactrosaurus 烏埃哈龍Wuerhosaurus 厚針龍Pachyrhachis 鸚鵡嘴龍Psittacosaurus 阿克羅肯龍Acrocanthosaurus 塞塞羅龍Thescelosaurus 泰南吐龍Tenontosaurus 板果龍Platecarpus 無齒翼龍Pteranodon 厚甲龍Struthiosaurus 原角龍Protoceratops 阿利奧拉龍[Alioramus 薄片龍Elasmosaurus 青島龍Tsintaosaurus 山東龍Shantungosaurus 賽查龍Saichania 後凹尾龍Opisthocoelicaudia 似鴕龍Struthiomimus 達氏吐龍Daspletosaurus 鱷龍Champsosaurus 劍角龍Stegoceras 狹爪龍Stenonychosaurus 原蜥冠龍Prosaurolophus 浮龍Plotosaurus 帕克索龍Parksosaurus 胄甲龍anoplosaurus 腫頭龍Pachycephalosaurus 盔頭龍Corythosaurus 阿拉莫龍Alamosaurus 鴨嘴龍Anatosaurus 厚鼻龍Pachyrhinosaurus 賴氏龍Lambeosaurus 戟龍Styracosaurus 似鳥龍Saurornithoides。


翼龍(Pterosaur) Its original intent was to "fly the reptiles." In the middle Triassic pterosaur on Earth was one of the first flight to the vertebrates, but it was suspected that the only illusory, at best gliding in the sky. However, recent research shows that the balance of their brain to deal with information well-developed nerve tissue, as can only pterosaur to fly like bi譁處糕肺蕹鍍革僧宮吉rds, but is likely to be master of flight.。



英 ['daɪnəsɔː(r)] 美 ['daɪnəsɔːr]

n. 恐龍

n. (俚)過時、落伍的人或事物

形容詞: dinosauric


The blue whale is bigger than the biggest dinosaur.


We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.



dinosaur英文發音:['daɪnəsɔː]中文釋義:n. 恐龍;過時、落伍的人或事物例句:How then would this dinosaur have moved?那麼這種恐龍要如何移動呢?短語:1、feathered dinosaur 有羽毛恐龍2、Dinosaur classification 恐龍分類表3、Dinosaur Assassin 恐龍刺客4、Dinosaur Forest 恐龍森林擴展資料dinosaur的同根詞:1、dinosaurian英文發音:[,daɪnə'sɔrɪən]中文釋義:adj. 恐龍的;似恐龍的例句:This dinosaurian group arose early in the late Late Jurassic, and flourished in the Early Cretaceous.這類小型恐龍最早出現的時代為晚侏羅世晚期,早白堊世是其繁盛時期。

2、dinosaurs英文發音:['daɪnə,sɔ:z]中文釋義:n. 恐龍類例句:We saw many kinds of fossils of dinosaurs in the Dinosaur World.在恐龍世界我們看到許多種類的恐龍類化石。

7.翼龍的特點 英語翻譯


Mesozoic Era Triassic pterosaur appear on the earth were the first vertebrates to fly, but some suspect that it is only illusory, at best, can only glide in the sky. However, the latest research shows that because of the brain dealing with balance of information in nerve tissue of fairly well developed, like the pterosaurs can not only fly like birds, but is likely to be flying ace.

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