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傷感用英文怎麼寫 - 傷感英語怎麼讀怎麼寫

知科普 人氣:1.45W

悲傷 sad ; grieved; sorrowful ; lament sad 悲哀的;憂愁的;悲痛的 sorrow 悲傷,悲痛,悲哀 lament 悲痛;慟哭;哀悼,傷心 人生的歡樂和悲傷 the joys and sorrows of life 他獨對孤燈, 悲傷不已。

傷感英語怎麼讀怎麼寫 傷感用英文怎麼寫

Facing the lamp alone, he was in deep sorrow 我看到他臉上露出了悲傷的神情。 I noticed that a sad expression showed on his face。


It's sorrow as you meet a guy whom is not right for you in a suitable moment. 在對的時間,遇見錯的人,是一種 悲傷 . When life offers you a dream so far beyond any of your expectations, it's not reasonable to grieve when it comes to an end. 當生活給了你一個遠遠超出你任何所期待的夢想,當它結束時,沒有理由再去 悲傷 . To show sadness , Kobian hunches over, hangs its head and holds a hand up to its face in a gesture of grief . 為了表達 悲傷 ,Kobian會彎腰低頭,用一隻手捂住臉,作 悲傷 狀。

She looked at him in sorrow . 她 悲傷 地注視着他。 Sadness was close by, so love asked for help, " sadness , let me go with you." "oh love, I am so sad that I need to be by myself! 悲傷 靠近了,於是愛向她求救," 悲傷 ,讓我和你一起走吧!"悲傷回答,"哦,愛,你看我如此 悲傷 ,就讓我獨自待着吧! She dried her eyes, reminded that her distress must not be betrayed to her husband. 她擦乾眼淚,提醒自己,絕對不能讓丈夫發現她的 悲傷 情緒。


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