

知科普 人氣:1.33W

proud adj.自豪的,得意的;光榮的,高尚的;傲慢的;有自尊心的 比較級:prouder 最高級:proudest Proud [人名] [英格蘭人姓氏] 普勞德綽號,來源於中世紀英語,含義是“傲慢的”(proud) 英漢例句 She must be very proud of herself. 她一定非常自豪。


as proud as a peacock 孔雀般的驕傲 He is now the proud possessor of a driving licence. 他現在有了駕駛執照,頗有些飄飄然。the proud owner of a new car 得意揚揚的新汽車主人 The school was rightly proud of the excellent exam results. 學校為這次出色的考試成績感到驕傲,這是理所當然的。

He was proud of the fact that he was a self-made man . 他為自己白手起家而自豪。The company is proud to be in the vanguard of scientific progress. 這家公司以處於科學發展的領先地位而自豪。

She is too proud to see her own mistake. 她太驕傲了,看不到自己的錯誤。We are proud for you to win the championship. 我們為你贏得冠軍而驕傲。

He was proud of having such a good friend. 他為有這樣的好朋友而自豪。She had been too proud to ask for help. 她的自尊心太強,從不求助於人。

She was too proud to show her grief in public. 她十分自愛,絕不當眾流露內心的痛苦。The residents of the town are proud of its new library. 該鎮的居民都為鎮上新建的那座圖書館感到驕傲。

He is too proud to take notice of others. 他很驕傲,不理睬別人。We are proud of our motherland. 我們為祖國感到自豪。

同反義詞 同義詞 adj.1. "得意的;高興的" 釋義下的同義詞為:satisfied dignified elated delighted gratified pleased2. "驕傲的;自負的" 釋義下的同義詞為:vain bragging smug lofty conceited haughty arrogant egotistic boastful 反義詞 adj.1. "驕傲的;自豪的" 釋義下的反義詞為:modest ashamed humble 詞組搭配 do someone proud(非正式)使某人有理由感到高興(或滿意) they did themselves proud in a game which sent the fans home happy.他們在比賽中為自己增了光,讓球迷心滿意足地回家了。同義詞辨析 haughty, proud, arrogant, vain 這些形容詞都有“驕傲的,傲慢的”之意。

haughty: 較正式用詞,多用於貶義。指對身份或地位比自己低的人採取冷淡、輕視或鄙互的態度。

proud: 含義廣,普通用詞。褒義指自豪和榮耀以及強烈的自尊;貶義則指傲慢,自以為是或自鳴得意。

arrogant: 用於貶義,指過高估計自己,以致驕傲自大或傲慢無禮,目中無人。vain: 指一個對自己的外表或對自己留給別的印象太過分地關注,以致自命不凡,自鳴得意。



(1)pride 英 [praɪd] 美 [praɪd] n.驕傲;自尊;自滿;(獅)羣 vt.以…而自豪, 得意於…


第三人稱單數: prides 複數: prides 現在分詞: priding 過去式: prided 過去分詞: prided

例句:We take pride in offering you the highest standards


(2)be proud of 英 [bi: praud ɔv] 美 [bi praʊd ʌv] v.自豪,高興

例句:That's a beautiful piece of work. You should be proud of it.



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