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最高档 top gear

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最高档 top gear

作为电视节目,Top Gear 是英国广播公司(BBC)的一档汽车节目。该节目于1977年首次播出,旨在为汽车爱好者提供相关的娱乐和信息。节目特点是将汽车评测、旅游和娱乐活动相结合,以幽默诙谐的方式呈现给观众。

Top Gear 在一定程度上创造了一个汽车娱乐界的“最高档”标准。其文化影响在全球范围内都有着显著的存在,甚至出现了很多类似的节目,如美国的 Top Gear 等。其中,Top Gear 最高档的特色在于许多疯狂的汽车挑战,如在沿着丝绸之路驾驶跑车,或者走遍非洲草原等。

此外,Top Gear 还在全球范围内举行了多次原创的赛车活动,如旨在让汽车爱好者体验赛车运动的 Top Gear Track Day。

总之,Top Gear 可以说是汽车节目中的佼佼者,它不仅凭借其独特的风格所带来的全球影响,更是让汽车爱好者们有了一个专业的信息来源和严肃的娱乐手段。


《疯狂汽车秀 最高档 Top Gear 第1-22季》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源

《疯狂汽车秀 最高档 Top Gear 第1-22季》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:


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《巅峰拍档 第二十二季 Top Gear Season 22》

主演: Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond、James May

类型: 喜剧、运动、脱口秀

制片国家/地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2015-01-25

季数: 22

集数: 8

片长: 60 min

又名: 疯狂汽车秀

Top Gear will return on Jan. 25th, 2015.

Top Gear是什么意思

《Top Gear》是英国BBC电视台出品的一档汽车节目,虽然是一个汽车节目,但它相对于平时我们在电视上看到的“汽车杂志”之类的广告或节目有着天堂与地狱之间的差。思维跳跃的编导,好莱坞水平的专业摄影,匪夷所思的试车创意,还有那三个闻名世界的大嘴和一位从不说话的神秘试车手Stig。观看Top Gear,你不仅是在看一个单纯的汽车节目,很多时候更像是在欣赏一部令你热血沸腾的大制作电影!

top gear怎么读

英 [tɔp ɡiə] 美 [tɑp ɡɪr]

n. 高速挡


1. They cruised along in top gear . 他们驾车高速行驶。


2. If you try to start off in top gear you'll stall. 要是刚一发动就用最高挡,那就会熄火。


3. The party organization is moving into top gear as the election approaches. 随着选举临近,党组织的活动也如火如荼。


4. He was driving in top gear when the accident happened. 车祸发生时他正用高速档行驶。


5. Let you spend the same money, enjoys top gear's service! 让您花同样的钱,享受最高档的服务!

高分求,《Top Gear最高档》有木有1到8季的中文字幕资源?提供可用资源再加30分

《Top Gear 第8季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1Fz5f8Biu9Yd8NXE5I7ESdA

?pwd=eibn 提取码: eibn

谁能告诉我 Top Gear 哪几集好看

谁能告诉我 Top Gear 哪几集好看?美国特辑,第二十二季第三集,第16季第3集,第22季第6集等比较突出,但总体上集集都不错。

第6季E2 不是保时捷的二手双门轿跑第8季E3 自制两栖车

第9季E3 1千美金旧车穿越美国

第9季E6 自制加长礼宾车,很夸张

第10季E2 两栖车续篇穿越英吉利海峡

第10季E4 两驱车横越博茨瓦纳

第10季E7 二手ROVER

第11季E1 1000镑旧车改警车

第11季E3 1000镑的Alfa Romeo能给你带来什么

第11季E5 70年代的顶级豪华车

第12季E1 大卡车挑战

第12季E6 造过好车吗

第12季E8 越南摩托特别篇

第13季E1 60年前Top Gear Race是什么样子

第13季E2 假装17岁开二手车

第13季E5 二手后驱车

第13季E6 老爷车拉力赛

第14季E6 二手四驱车南美雨林特别篇

第15季E2 适合赛道日的二手四门运动车

第15季E4 自制房车旅行挑战

《最高档 极地特辑》免费在线观看完整版高清,求百度网盘资源

《最高档 极地特辑》百度网盘高清资源免费在线观看:

链接:https://pan.baidu.com/s/1vgQ-5b3FHcid1KssT0lMWA?pwd=ozp2 提取码:ozp2

《最高档 极地特辑 Top Gear: Polar Special》

导演: Nigel Simpkiss

主演: Jeremy Clarkson、Richard Hammond、James May

类型: 喜剧、纪录片、冒险

制片国家/地区: 英国

语言: 英语

上映日期: 2007-07-25

片长: 64分钟

又名: 巅峰拍档 极地特辑

The team head to the North Pole by car - something never before attempted and something they were going to attempt by two different methods. One team composed of Jezza (Jeremy Clarkson) and Captain Slow (James May) in the car and the other team being Hamster (Richard Hammond), Mattie McNair (one of the world's leading sled-dog explorers and racers) and 10 huskie dogs.

The car (of course) was a Toyota Hilux kitted out with "Cuban Wheels" (as Jeremy called them), heavy ty suspension, a toughened sump-guard and heavy-ty fog-lamps (which turned out to be as useful as Captain Slow attempting a land-speed record). The dogs insisted on urinating on Hammond and fighting amongst themselves, but were definitely up to the job.

Each team would race each other but before they began, the guys were sent to a cold weather training camp to give them an idea of what they'd be facing. A doctor told them what would happen if they forgot to seal their trousers and how to go to the toilet without a polar bear giving them bother but the guys weren't taking him seriously. The next day Jeremy taught Hammond how to ski (despite Hamster's cries of fear) and a man from the British SAS with a distorted face showed Jeremy how cold it could be if he fell through a hole in the ice. Still, the Top Gear crew weren't taking the dangers seriously so legendary explorer Sir Ranulph Fiennes was brought in to demonstrate how dangerous this region could be.

Eventually though, they were off. With a copious supply of gin, Jezza and Slow blitzed the open ground North of Camp Resolute and left Hamster in their powdered snow in pursuit of the pole. Hammond was the tortoise in this race and fell from his dog-sled with alarming regularity. This was until they reached the legendary 'boulder-fields' - huge lumps of snow and ice that would leave your average semi-detached property cowering in their shadows. As the ice started to crack beneath the wheels of the pickup-truck, the boys started to realize that they should have paid more attention to the warnings they had been given before they set off.

What followed was an adventure that involved Icelandic experts, a "bumper-mper", James May showing off with a pump-action shotgun, a cracked fuel-tank, broken ice, extreme cold, kite-surfing, inflating tyres with explosive gas, Jeremy forgetting that cold metal will stick to your lips, a pointless game of "I-Spy", and more excitement than you could ever expect from your every-day episode of the world's most popular motoring show.

top gear什么意思


Top Gear是英国BBC(British Broadcasting Corporation-英国广播公司)电视台出品的一档汽车节目。

求Top Gear 第20季高清免费在线观看

《Top Gear 第20季》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看:

链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1PLWDCuACmEdfh2KvR8aODw

?pwd=drtp 提取码: drtp










湖南卫视即将推出大型汽车体验类动感真人秀《最高档(Top Gear)》

引进BBC《Top Gear》版权模式


观看Top Gear,你不仅是在看一个单纯的汽车节目,很多时候更像是在欣赏一部令你热血沸腾的大制作电影!

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